What We Do

Service and Supply Center
Terrace is the location of choice for many established businesses and entrepreneurs. Boasting the largest regional population base in this part of the province, Terrace is the service, educational and medical hub of the region. Our businesses support industry in Kitimat and Prince Rupert and all throughout northwest BC.
The Terrace Resource Centre acts as a marketing arm for the Terrace area, attending various Conferences throughout B.C. such as the yearly Roundup Conference in Vancouver, the yearly Minerals North conference (This conference moves from small town to small town in our Northern Region every year) and LNG conferences. We recently have represented Terrace as far away as Toronto at the PDAC conference and were welcomed with much enthusiasm by many businesses. The experience of attending these conferences is beneficial for Terrace as it allows others to find us on the map, and see what we have to offer those companies that are thinking of opening offices in Northern B.C. Its a great way to get our name out there by connecting with companies all across Canada. In years not so long ago, no one seemed to know where Terrace was but we have seen a complete 360 degree change as now most people we chat with have definitely heard about us and the opportunities Terrace has to offer. There is a keen sense of interest that we have not seen in the past.
Terrace is centrally located at the crossroads of Highways 16 and 37. Our close proximity to three deep water ports, rail service and a bustling airport serves to connect Terrace to the rest of the world.
We have a full spectrum of engineering and consulting firms not only for proposed and existing industry in our area but they also use Terrace as a headquarters to work nationally and internationally.
With our newly installed fibre optics and enhanced broadband capacity businesses can enjoy the pleasures of a small town but are also able to compete globally.
Proposed major LNG projects in Kitimat and Prince Rupert will bring massive stimulus into the northwest and provide opportunities during construction and subsequent operations.
Our roots are forestry and it continues to provide a fundamental industry for our area.
Remote mining projects and exploration sites to the north of us look to Terrace for supplies and services.
World class fishing lodges
World Class heliskiing
Shames Mountain – best powder skiing anywhere
River Rafting
Mountain Guides